
Based on the achievements accomplishment points awarded in the recent episode of CheckPoint, I've made this page to generate your own Checkpoints.

Inspired by today's xkcd and the discussions on the xkcd forum, I've made a graph of a random selection of Wikipedia articles, and where you go after clicking the first link on each page. Do you really end up on Philosophy every time? See the results to find out!

As Fellowsites is winding down, I'm in the process now of moving everything over to new hosting from NearlyFreeSpeech.NET. I've heard good things about the hosting there, and hopefully it should work out well.

Normally I'm not one to put advertising on my site... but I think the abomination that is the Clean Feed proposal warrants an exception.

More information can be found here, and a petition can be found here. Note that online petitions tend to be unreliable, and thus aren't seen with as much regard by politicians... so be sure to send a letter to Senator Conroy, along with your local MP, to say how disappointed you are with the proposal.

I just want it on record that I am personally against giving the government free reign on what is or is not appropriate, or what I can or cannot see. No two people draw the line between "appropriate" and "inappropriate" in the same place, so any government-prescribed line will miss the mark for many, if not nearly all, people. And the potential for systemic abuse is way too high.

More as an exercise than anything else, this news page now has an RSS feed. Now you can enjoy the excitement of nothing ever happening, from the convenience of your RSS aggregator!

Another DS homebrew release today... this time a remake of the Videlectrix game Secret Collect, avaliable over hereabouts. Have fun!

I've recently started writing DS homebrew programs... my first release, a remake of the Videlectrix game Population: Tire, is avaliable over yonder. Enjoy!

For the lack of a better idea of what to put on the main page, I've fallen back to the old standard of putting news here. Maybe one day there'll actually be news to put here.

In the meantime, you can still see the old 100 Bottles of Beer.

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